
Commission Meeting of June 19, 2024

Key reports, issues, and decisions of interest to licensees and/or the public are reported here from the most recent Commission meeting:

Commission Meeting of June 19, 2024

Pending Cases: The Commission entered into consent agreements to suspend 5 licenses, accepted the permanent voluntary surrender of 2 licenses, ordered hearings in cases involving 5 licensees, closed cases without action against 3 licensees, reprimanded 1 licensee, and approved the issuance of 1 real estate broker license.

License Applications Involving Character Issues: License applicants who have character issues such as prior criminal convictions or disciplinary actions by another licensing board are separately considered by the Commission. Decisions are based upon criminal background checks, information supplied by the applicant, and in-person interviews.

Total candidates considered: 13; total approved: 5; total approved with conditions: 5; continued: 3.

License Examination Results: If you are interested in reviewing the most recent statistics and pass rates regarding the North Carolina broker license examination, click here License Examination Results

2024-2025 Business and Related Insurance Proposals: The Executive Director presented the Insurance Report, including options for carriers, coverage, and costs thereof for the Commission’s business. The Director noted that the Finance Committee (Mr. Lindsey and Mr. Ramseur) had met to review the coverage in detail and recommended its approval without changes. Upon the motion of Mr. Lindsey, the Commission voted to purchase or renew certain insurance policies, each of which is more particularly described in the report.

Mutual Agreements with Various Occupational Licensing Boards: The Executive Director reported that the Commission has been approached by other occupational licensing boards regarding Emergency Disaster Plans. The Commission has a plan in place that includes a mutual agreement with the Appraisal Board that each board can use the other’s space if their office is closed following a disaster. Now, other boards have asked for a similar partnership. Upon a motion from Mr. Black, the Commission authorized the Executive Director to explore agreements with other boards, with any such agreement first being approved by the Commission.

Financial Report: The Commission received and reviewed the monthly Financial Report presented by the Chief Financial Officer for the period ending May 31, 2024. Mr. Lindsey noted that the Finance Committee met and reviewed the preliminary budget for FY24-25. The Commission will consider a proposed budget at its July meeting. Mr. Black commended the Accountant Executive for reminders to the Commission about expense reimbursement.

Appeals: The Director of Regulatory Affairs reported that following Ms. Joellen Shipman’s unsuccessful appeal of her disciplinary case to Superior Court, she filed a notice of appeal with the North Carolina Court of Appeals. The Director of Regulatory Affairs will keep the Commission apprised of the progress of that appeal. The appeal of the MV Realty case is ongoing in Superior Court.

Legislative Report: The Director of Regulatory Affairs reviewed the Legislative Report, summarizing bills that are currently pending in the General Assembly that relate to real estate brokerage, occupational licensing, or other matters of interest to the Commission.

Renewal Progress: The Director of Education and Licensing reported 97,620 licensees (75%) have renewed their licenses and that renewal is on pace with recent prior years. Regarding CE, 92% of brokers have completed the required courses. There are 6,120 licensees that are CE deficient. The Director of Education and Licensing noted that last year, there were 21,934 phone calls to the License Services section at this time of year, and this year there were 11,511 phone calls received during the renewal period to date. The Director of Education and Licensing commended the IT staff and the License Services staff as well as those who pre-planned and worked renewals. The Director of Education and Licensing stated that there are 500 instructors and none of the instructors will be limited due to performance. One Education Provider will be limited but is retiring.

Update Course Development: The Assistant Director of Education and Licensing provided a brief report on the Update course development, noting that the 2024-2025 Update course is complete. The theme for the Update is “Play to Win” and is powered by AI. The Assistant Director shared a sample of the Update PowerPoint presentation including an introductory video.

Ethics Course: The Director of Education and Licensing reported that the ethics course the Commission members and the Executive Director are required to take bi-annually has been reformatted using Synthesia.  He noted that the Consumer Resource Officer and the Communications Officer completely revamped the ethics course with AI. The training should take about three-and-a-half hours to complete. The Chief Technology Officer will provide a link to the Commission Members to take the course. Mr. Bullard commended staff for handling questions to the members that they ethically cannot respond to and assisting licensees with those matters.

License Exam Performance Reporting: The Director of Education and Licensing reported that after a discussion with the Commission’s Software Engineer, staff recommends building a report for persons interested in education provider’s pre-licensing course pass rates that provides real-time data for any period of time the viewer is interested in researching. Creating a user interface for the data will be a proposed project for the 24-25 fiscal year.

Election of Commission Officers for period August 2024 to July 2025: Ms. Mallette reported that the Nominating Committee nominated Mr. Aceto to serve as Vice-Chair and Mr. Lindsey to serve as the Chair for 2024-2025. Upon the motion of Ms. O’Connor, the Commission elected Mr. Aceto as the 2024-2025 Vice Chair and Mr. Lindsey as the 2024-2025 Chair of the Commission. Mr. Fox was not present for the vote.

BIC Span of Control Workgroup: Mr. Lindsey provided a brief report on the progress of the BIC Span of Control Workgroup noting that the workgroup has held eight meetings, completed the discussion of ten items that came out of the BIC Focus Groups, and voted on recommendations relating to four of those items. The workgroup will bring a full report to the entire Commission when all items have been considered.

Report on License Numbers: As of June 1, 2024, there are 112,196 brokers and firms licensed by the Commission, as follows:

Active Full Brokers – 86,530

Active Provisional Brokers – 5,047

Brokers-in-Charge – 18,359

BIC Eligible Brokers – 6,483

Inactive Full Brokers – 25,666

Inactive Provisional Brokers – 8,240


Limited Nonresident Commercial Brokers – 276

Next Commission Meeting: The next Commission meeting will be held at 9:00am, July 17, 2024, in the Commission’s office in Raleigh and is open to the public. It can be viewed via Zoom online video.