The Commission requires all brokers-in-charge (BICs) to take a Broker-in-Charge Annual Review (BICAR) course, along with the required Update course. This completes the BIC’s annual continuing education (CE) requirement. The Commission recently considered whether to change the requirement to a biennial review, so that BICs could choose an elective every other year. Mindful of its goal to provide BICs with timely information critical to their role, the Commission determined to retain the annual requirement, but to make improvements to the BICAR course.
The Commission will be convening a focus group to develop its plan for BICAR course improvements. The group will include BICAR educators and BICs representing sectors of the brokerage industry including:
The Commission may also survey BICs for more input. If you receive a survey, please respond to give the Commission direct feedback about what would be most useful to you as a BIC.
Watch the Commission’s Web site, blog, and social media for further developments.
The Commission’s Broker-in-Charge Annual Review (BICAR) course is designed for and restricted to currently designated brokers-in-charge and brokers who are broker-in-charge eligible. A broker who is not a broker-in-charge or who is not broker-in-charge eligible will not receive credit for the BICAR course.
A broker is broker-in-charge eligible when he or she has been designated as a broker-in-charge and completed the Commission’s 12-hour Broker-in-Charge course. A broker may maintain that eligibility indefinitely, even when not serving as a broker-in-charge, by taking the Broker-in-Charge Annual Review (BICAR) course each license period. The BICAR satisfies the annual continuing education elective requirement. In addition, the broker must also take the mandatory annual Update course and timely renew his or her license.
From time to time a broker who has lost his or her designation or eligibility will take the course and not fully understand why he or she is not receiving continuing education credit. If you believe yourself to be a broker-in-charge or broker-in-charge eligible, select “Licensees Only” from the menu on the left side of the Homepage and check your status. Eligible brokers will be able to login and select a “BIC Eligible Document” verifying their current eligibility status. All others will not have this option available to them. If you are unable to print a “BIC Eligible Document” from this area of the Web site and feel that your record is incorrect, please contact the Commission’s Information Services Section at 919-875-3700, Ext. 772.
A broker may lose his or her status or eligibility to serve as a broker-in-charge for any of the following reasons: 1) the broker’s license expires or the broker’s license is suspended, revoked or surrendered; 2) the broker’s license is made inactive for any reason, including failure to satisfy the continuing education requirements; 3) the broker fails to complete the Broker-in-Charge Annual Review Course; or 4) the broker is found by the Commission to have not possessed the experience required at the time of either initial designation as a broker-in-charge or re-designation as a broker-in-charge.
Please take the time to consult the Commission’s Web site prior to taking the BICAR course to verify that the Commission’s records reflect that you are indeed a broker-in-charge or broker-in-charge eligible to ensure you will receive your continuing education credit.