Staff Appreciation and Achievements
During the August Commission meeting, a staff appreciation luncheon was held to thank the staff for their enthusiastic service to NCREC and the public. Several service awards were given in gratitude for 5, 10 and 15 years of dedicated service. Special congratulations to Janet Thoren, who was awarded the 25 year service award, and Miriam Baer who received the 35 year service award. Sincere thanks to all of our valued staff, you are appreciated.
Is No Due Diligence Period Allowed In a Contract?
As a result of a very competitive real estate market, buyers have been coming up with new strategies to attract the seller to their offer over others. One such strategy that has recently evolved in NC is a no due diligence period offer, in which the buyer offers a substantial due diligence fee and earnest money deposit, but does not require a period of time to investigate the property to change their mind and get their earnest money back. Calls have come in asking if this is allowed. Buyers and sellers can agree to any legal terms that they wish in a contract. It is recommended to consult an attorney about the risks of this type of offer, and to understand the potential losses of both the due diligence fee and earnest money if the buyer later changes their mind.
You are invited!
The monthly Real Estate Commission meetings are always open to the public, and you are invited to attend in person or online via Zoom. The meeting next month is September 13th here at the Commission building. A Zoom link will be available at on the day of the meeting.